I have a little confession: on weekends, I am extremely self indulgent. Sometimes this can translate to having an extra pancake. Maybe taking an extra long bath, having one-too-many pieces of chocolate, sleeping in a few hours longer, or frolicking about in my prettiest lingerie. I’m going to say that because I tend to work...
My favorite Eugenia Kim Hat x Friends & Family Sales
The Eugenia Kim ‘Do Not Disturb’ hat is a blogger favorite, and also part of the Saks Fifth Avenue Friends & Family Sale (along with all other Eugenia Kim hats and accessories, for that matter). As today is the last day of the sale (10/09/2016) I couldn’t resist sharing this with you all! JavaScript is currently...
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Lavendaria de Cali & #BouqLove at first sight
I could not wait to share these photos with you all; I have an ongoing love-affair with roses, but these are possibly the most beautiful roses I’ve ever seen! The purple-pink hue is incredibly unique, and extremely romantic. These are the Lavendaria de Cali bouquet from The Bouqs Co., and you can find them here. I...